Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Kid Tested and Kid Approved (but what about Mom?) Red Baron Brick Oven Pizzas

Let me start out by saying I absolutely love BzzAgent. There are so many "free-sample" sites out there, some of them scams, some are just ... eh. But I find BzzAgent to be one of the top sites. Thanks to being a member, I have been able to try some great products. We are converts to Opal© Apples & Hemisfares© Pasta thanks to BzzAgent. Savannah still loves & plays with her Ever After High Thronecoming. I am always excited when I qualify for a new mission through BzzAgent. 

The latest mission I qualified for is the Red Baron Brink Oven Pizza. Who doesn't love pizza? When we went to the store to get it, we were very limited on what toppings we could get. And when I say limited, I really mean the only one they had was Pepperoni. Ok, Pepperoni it is.  

Pre-heat oven to 400*
Instructions are easy ... place tin foil and place directly on middle rack for 16-18 minutes at pre-heated 400*. When it came out of the oven, it was golden brown and looked delicious.   

After cutting it, we noticed that the crust was brown and crunchy, but the inside didn't seem to be cooked all the way through.  This is our biggest complaint with store bought frozen pizza - it always seems like the outer edges cook & brown, yet the middle doesn't cook all the way through. We were hoping the Red Baron Brick Oven pizza would be different, but it wasn't. However, it might be because we were also cooking chicken wings at the same time with the pizza. So we will definitely have to try again, cooking the pizza alone. 

Now came the taste test ... the kids thought it was really good. But all pizza to them is good. 
Pizza & Buffalo Wings
My husband & I are a little more picky. I will be honest and say that it wasn't great. The cheese was good and there was plenty of it. The pepperoni was also good. For us (and this is just a personal preference) there was too much sauce and it had somewhat of a sweetness to it. I prefer pizza with less sauce and I do not like sweet sauces at all. It wasn't too sweet, as some pizzas I have tried have been. But there was a hint of it in the sauce. 

Overall, Red Baron Brick Oven Pizza is good. Not great, but good. Had it cooked differently, my opinion may have been slightly better. I gave this rating a 4 star rating, but it is more like a 3½. Now, if you asked my kids, they would probably give it a 4 or 5. 

I would like to try a different topping and prepare the pizza alone in the oven. This may change my review and if it does, I will be back to update. 
Other toppings available:
Cheese, Pepperoni, Meat Trio (pepperoni, sausage and ham), 
and Sausage Supreme (sausage, green pepper and onion)

*If you are interested in trying products like I do, check out BzzAgent:
(Please use the above link so that they know I sent you!)

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